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Final task

For my final Media Channels and Platforms task, I have made a prototype of an app. It is a combination of virtual scavenger hunt and social media. The idea is that one must go scavenger hunting for content that is created by other users and placed in different locations on the map. Every content has a category assigned to it as well. The content can be unlocked as soon as the player is on the same spot. Further on the finding can be shared with all other players or only friends in the social feed, where others can view it, comment and like. It would be also possible to leave a private comment to the creator and see what other people have commented on it.   One is able to share only content that he has found and it would not be possible to share your own created content.
It would be also possible to place our own content on any chosen location and get notifications of others finding it, leaving comments and sharing. For those who want to find something in their area of interest, there would be a filtering option, where one can choose what categories to see on the map.

Here is the prototype of the app, which has quite limited possibilities to interact. But it should be enough to get the general idea of it. If the link doesn't work then try to open it in a different browser.

Now I want to talk about the social media aspect of the app. Social media users scroll every day through never-ending content on their feed without putting much effort into it. Much of the content gets unnoticed or forgotten easily. By combining the social media and the scavenger hunting aspect in my prototype I wanted to create a platform where people can share their interests, bring attention and remembrance to whatever they wish for others to see.  It would be also possible to invite friends, which can result in sharing interests with a certain group of people. Social media has become also quite self-centered, where the goal is to get as many likes as possible for your own posts. I wanted to encourage users to share someone else's content and therefore encourage giving some acknowledgment to the producer.

So halfway while doing my project I actually realized that my final project is crap and there are quite many things that I did not consider beforehand. So I am not a very big fan of my own project, but I had to publish it anyway.
Before starting I did some benchmarking on scavenger hunt apps (mostly Munzee) and social media apps (Facebook and Instagram).
After I did sketches of the layout:

After that, I had to decide on the name of the app, which was quite irritating. I settled on calling it Fount. Here is my struggle on deciding on the name:

Then I moved on to deciding on the colour scheme, creating the logo, the whole layout and making the interactive prototype.

As I said I am not satisfied with the outcome of this project, however, I wanted to finish it for the final task. I did, however, look at the social media with a different perspective when creating the concept. I do believe that I could have spent more time planning the whole concept.


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