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Cartoons that predicted future

I have heard more and more cases where cartoons predicted the future and some of them have done it in quite a significant scale. It is somewhat creepy but intriguing enough for me to go digging up on which cartoons have done that. I know that there are quite a lot of cases so I will not cover many of them in this post and will go through a couple of examples.

On top of the list will be of course The Simpsons, because I think that it has the most discussed cases in predicting the future.
In one episode there was a frame with a brochure saying "New York at $9" and behind are the twin towers, which form together 9/11. The episode came out in 1997. The creators say that it was just a bizarre coincidence.

"New York at $9" brochure (Image source:

Another prediction from The Simpsons was that Trump became president of US and Theresa May the prime minister of UK.

'The Regina Monologues', Lisa is confronted by a raging Theresa May. (Image source:

In 1998 The Simpsons predicted that 21st Century Fox will be a division of Walt Disney Co. It just happened quite recently, when Disney announced 52$ billion deal for 21st Century Fox.

The Simpsons Disney Fox
A scene from “When You Dish Upon a Star” (Image source:

There were many more cases in The Simpsons of predicting future, but I do need to leave space for other cartoons here.

In an episode of Recess Gretchen can be briefly seen holding a tablet by Samsung, which is very similar to Galaxy Tab S2.

Gretchen holding the tablet (Image source:

The Jetsons were quite accurate in predicting future technology starting from flatscreen TVs, smartwatches, drones, robots, 3D printing and many more.

Smartwatch in Jetsons (Image source:

Similar to The Simpsons also Johnny Bravo predicted 9/11, where a poster with a burning tower is seen.

Image result for johnny bravo 9 11
Johnny Bravo episode (Image source:

The Sout Park has also quite a few predictions in their pocket. They showed the death of Osama Bin Laden just eight months before he was killed.

An episode of The South Park. (Image source:

On the same week when they aired Ebola episode it was confirmed in the US. Some believe it is an evidence from Illuminati.

Ebola episode of The South Park. (Image source:

There are quite many suspicions from conspiracy theorists about cartoons predicting future, especially about The Simpsons. I personally don't believe that all these predictions are only coincidences, at least not all of them. But maybe all these predictions are really only a coincidence. :)

Used for inspiration:
Amelia Tait. 9 times cartoons scarily predicted the future.
Maya Salam. ‘The Simpsons’ Has Predicted a Lot. Most of It Can Be Explained.
Jamie Light. 15 Of Your Favorite Cartoons That Strangely Predicted The Future.
Comedy Central. 7 Times South Park Totally Predicted The Future.


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